The first day of school means the end of summer and it's been a busy one. We took a trip to the Adirondacks and then to the beach for a birthday/retirement party for Pop-Pop. Kara's foot has been slow to heal so the girls spent two weeks with their grandparents while Aaron and Kara travelled back and forth. The girls had a terrific time and we are in debt to them for their generosity and care (but not enough to give them an additional grandchild...Nicole, we look to you).
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
First Day/Last Days
Julia had her first day of school(!) today and had a great time. Most importantly, she is excited to go back tomorrow.

The first day of school means the end of summer and it's been a busy one. We took a trip to the Adirondacks and then to the beach for a birthday/retirement party for Pop-Pop. Kara's foot has been slow to heal so the girls spent two weeks with their grandparents while Aaron and Kara travelled back and forth. The girls had a terrific time and we are in debt to them for their generosity and care (but not enough to give them an additional grandchild...Nicole, we look to you).

Since we've been home, Kara and the girls have been entertaining themselves around the house which resulted in a fleece fashion show in 80 degree weather. Julia is Monkey See and Charlotte is Monkey Do. We have a pretty serious case of older-sister worship these days.
Aaron took Julia on her first camping trip (in the backyard) over Labor Day weekend and they both had a great time. Aaron was convinced that Julia had a great night's sleep, until she feel asleep on her floor for two hours the next afternoon.
The first day of school means the end of summer and it's been a busy one. We took a trip to the Adirondacks and then to the beach for a birthday/retirement party for Pop-Pop. Kara's foot has been slow to heal so the girls spent two weeks with their grandparents while Aaron and Kara travelled back and forth. The girls had a terrific time and we are in debt to them for their generosity and care (but not enough to give them an additional grandchild...Nicole, we look to you).
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Summer fun
We continue to have a good, fun summer (except Kara who has been on the couch for the last 2+ weeks after having foot surgery - she is fine physically but has to keep her foot elevated for three full weeks). Julia has been in camp at Aaron's school, which is run very much like school will be this fall (it is soon to be Aaron and Julia's school). 
She has been loving it and comes home each day with stories about her teachers, her classmates and her adventures there. The picture on the left is from her first day and the one on the right is from today (it is "Spirit Week" there and today was "Crazy Hair Day"). If you could count them all, you would see that Julia had 10 separate pony tails in!
Meanwhile, Charlotte and Aaron flew down to South Carolina to celebrate Great Grandma and Great Grandpa's 60th wedding anniversary with the entire Hudson clan (the bottom photo shows the whole group). Charlotte had a great time hamming it up for everyone. She also enjoyed going to the beach, where her favorite activity was climbing into holes that Dad or Aunt Val dug and eating as much sand as possible. Here she is before a day at the beach, first in the video (the bottle on the toilet is sunscreen) and then upon arrival at the beach itself.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Julia turns 3!
Charlotte was happy to celebrate Julia's birthday with another cupcake.
Julia also had a lot of fun today playing with one of her birthday presents:
Happy Summer
We've just returned from a week of family reunions in Niantic (the Varjian reunion 2009) and Chautauqua (with Great Grandma & Grandpa Hudson and Aunt Val)
Here are our experiences in pictures and video:
Julia and Charlotte with cousin Michaela
Grand-Nana with her greats (from l to r): second cousin Zach , Julia, Charlotte, cousin Michaela, and second cousin Gabrielle. Though the girls' godmother Peggy was there, somehow we got no photos of the girls with her. Next time...
We should send this one to the Niantic Tourism Office:
In Chautauqua, Julia and Charlotte got to meet some of the Sesame Street characters. Here is Julia introducing Monkey to Bert and Ernie.
We also celebrated the Fourth with a parade, a band concert, flares and fireworks around the lake, and festive attire. Here are the girls with Great Grandma and Great Grandpa, followed by Julia worn out after a long day and Charlotte enjoying her picnic at the concert.

Throughout the vacation, Julia and Charlotte had their first ever "slumber parties," sleeping in the same room. Though that went well, we are happily keeping the girls in seperate rooms at home. Julia also spent every night in an adult-sized bed. So, when we returned today, Julia upgraded to a twin bed from her toddler bed. Here she is right before the lights went out tonight.
Finally, two belated images. First, Charlotte walks all the time now, but here is one of our first Charlotte walking videos: (it is better described as a classic one-year old video, but it does contain some walking)
Finally, at her first birthday party, Charlotte was joined by no less than five younger friends (from l to r): cousin Michaela (3 months), Will (6 months), Tyler (10 months), Charlotte (1 year), Lindsay (3 months), and cousin Caleb (4 months). Still not sure how they are all there, looking at the camera with no adults in the picture and no tears...
Here are our experiences in pictures and video:
Julia and Charlotte with cousin Michaela
Grand-Nana with her greats (from l to r): second cousin Zach , Julia, Charlotte, cousin Michaela, and second cousin Gabrielle. Though the girls' godmother Peggy was there, somehow we got no photos of the girls with her. Next time...
We should send this one to the Niantic Tourism Office:
In Chautauqua, Julia and Charlotte got to meet some of the Sesame Street characters. Here is Julia introducing Monkey to Bert and Ernie.
Finally, two belated images. First, Charlotte walks all the time now, but here is one of our first Charlotte walking videos: (it is better described as a classic one-year old video, but it does contain some walking)
Finally, at her first birthday party, Charlotte was joined by no less than five younger friends (from l to r): cousin Michaela (3 months), Will (6 months), Tyler (10 months), Charlotte (1 year), Lindsay (3 months), and cousin Caleb (4 months). Still not sure how they are all there, looking at the camera with no adults in the picture and no tears...
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009
A Month in Pictures
The girls are great, and we're all very happy that the weather has turned for the better. The girls spend most days outside on the playground, in their playhouse, in the garden, on the hammock, or just rolling around in the yard. Charlotte walks her walker up and down the street, though no independent steps yet. Julia is finishing her once-a-week school this week. She loves it (even though saying goodbye to Mom or Dad was tough for a few weeks). So much so that she names her dolls (or us) the names of her teachers and classmates when she is playing pretend.
All the way back to Easter:

And our happy girls, both inside and outside. Check out the new thumbnail on the right side of the screen too. The girls on the hammock with Julia is our neighbor Melissa.

All the way back to Easter:
And our happy girls, both inside and outside. Check out the new thumbnail on the right side of the screen too. The girls on the hammock with Julia is our neighbor Melissa.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Happy Opening Day
Monday, March 30, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Much to report!
We have been remiss in updating the website, mostly because the henhouse is always busy! The girls have had a great month, both in big events and development.
Speaking of big events, cousin Michaela Elizabeth Vennell Roberts has arrived! She was born on March 25 after a marathon labor (Nicole is a TROOPER) and according to Nana and PopPop has the same Towne nose and chin as Charlotte. Kara can't wait until this weekend to see for herself.
Grandma and Grandpa Cooper made the northeastern rounds earlier in March and had a great couple of days with the girls.
The girls took a trip to Connecticut to A. see Nana and PopPop over spring break and B. get out of Aaron's hair so he could continue his tradition of painting at least two rooms in the house. Julia got her very first tricycle, which only took about an hour and one cut finger (not hers) to put together.
Charlotte changes everyday and is now cruising on furniture and climbing up the stairs. Her nine month check-up went well and she is still a skinny minny--now in the 16th %ile for weight. We find this to be very mysterious in that she eats all of us under the table at every meal. To wit, Aaron made pancakes last weekend and the final tally was Julia: 2; Charlotte: 16. That is not a typo.
Julia has started a once-weekly pre-school program through a local high school's Child Development elective. She is slowly adjusting to being away from home and loves going to the library with her buddy Jane to pick out a book. She loves to do things "all by mySELF" including getting dressed, giving herself a bath and helping put away dishes and the laundry. Her hourly rates are being read to and Elmo juice boxes.
The girls have a great time together and we love watching them figure each other out and hope they will always have this much fun.
Speaking of big events, cousin Michaela Elizabeth Vennell Roberts has arrived! She was born on March 25 after a marathon labor (Nicole is a TROOPER) and according to Nana and PopPop has the same Towne nose and chin as Charlotte. Kara can't wait until this weekend to see for herself.
The girls have a great time together and we love watching them figure each other out and hope they will always have this much fun.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Eight Months Old!
We're not sure where the time has gone, but Charlotte has mysteriously become eight months old as of today. She had her buddy Tyler over for a visit and the babies had a lot of fun 'talking' to each other while Julia read books with Liza, Tyler's mom.

Charlotte was born with a spike of hair that continues to outgrow the rest of her coif...not to worry, this ponytail is a one time photo op!

Julia has been keeping warm in the freezing winter (infamous 'Cheese!' face still going strong).

The girls had the chance to meet cousin Caleb last weekend at his bris. It was a lovely ceremony with great company (and food!) but YEE-OUCH! God bless Caleb, indeed.

A belated heartfelt-wish:
Charlotte was born with a spike of hair that continues to outgrow the rest of her coif...not to worry, this ponytail is a one time photo op!
Julia has been keeping warm in the freezing winter (infamous 'Cheese!' face still going strong).
The girls had the chance to meet cousin Caleb last weekend at his bris. It was a lovely ceremony with great company (and food!) but YEE-OUCH! God bless Caleb, indeed.
A belated heartfelt-wish:
Monday, February 9, 2009
A new star
Julia and Charlotte's first cousin, Caleb Cooper Salmon, was born last Friday morning at 3:41.
Though the girls have not yet met him, Aaron and Kara did get to see him and snap this picture.
Caleb and his parents are healthy and happy. They went home on Sunday.
Charlotte continues to be extremely active. She has grown her two front teeth (which she displays prominently when she smiles) and she is both crawling and pulling herself up to standing (see the video at the end). She has even begun cruising a bit. She also "talks" to us: she mimics us (Aaron, Kara or Julia) anytime we either razz with our tongue out or scrunch up our face and sniff in and out quickly. We'll try to get a video of it for you - it is very cute. In contrast to her minimal weight gain as mentioned in our last post, Charlotte continues to eat ravenously.
She has two full bowls of food at each meal and eats Cheerios by the dozen. In fact, last night, she got ahold of the Cheerios bag and spilled out a bunch as shown. Within ten minutes, she had eaten every one of these (except the four or five mushy ones that fell out of her mouth and stuck to her pants). Incredible!
We finally had a thaw this weekend. We celebrated with a hike.
Charlotte enjoyed her first backpack ride and Julia played "Queen of the Mountain" on various rocks with Mom. We finished up with fries and ketchup from Friendly's - a good day.
Charlotte continues to be extremely active. She has grown her two front teeth (which she displays prominently when she smiles) and she is both crawling and pulling herself up to standing (see the video at the end). She has even begun cruising a bit. She also "talks" to us: she mimics us (Aaron, Kara or Julia) anytime we either razz with our tongue out or scrunch up our face and sniff in and out quickly. We'll try to get a video of it for you - it is very cute. In contrast to her minimal weight gain as mentioned in our last post, Charlotte continues to eat ravenously.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Cuddling with Mom and Sliding with Dad
Julia has been enjoying herself in the winter wonderland that our yard (and driveway) has become. This is a long video, but it shows Julia enjoying her new game "icee"
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Milestones and Mile Markers
Happy New Year to everyone!
The last month has been eventful. The holidays were busy and a lot of fun. They have apparently inspired the kids to reach for new milestones and cause all sorts of fun, new headaches for Mom and Dad.
Charlotte had her first-ever trip to the deep south, as we visited Grandma and Grandpa in their new home at the beach in South Carolina for Christmas.
While in South Carolina,
Upon our return to New Jersey (and days of freezing rain), the girls started to knock down one "What to expect" milestone after another. The details:
Charlotte's first tooth has broken through. She has also started getting up on all fours and then scooting herself across the floor. When she is motivated by something (usually to put in her mouth), she really gets going, legs swimming like crazy and grunts of exertion coming out of her mouth while she motors towards the object. She also scoots around her crib and has actually been able to pull herself up to standing. That is not so dangerous now that we have lowered her crib mattress.
Julia has begun drinking out of a cup, and had her first empty cup with no spills last weekend. More excitingly, while Julia was napping today , Kara went into the basement. When she came back upstairs, she heard a strange noise, and there was Julia, standing in the living room, proclaiming that not only was she done with her crib but also that she had learned to open doors - both in the same day! So, as I type, Julia is hopefully sleeping in her new toddler bed. If she's not, she'll probably make her way down here to the basement and help me type this entry...
The only unfortunate thing in all this excitement is that we have misplaced our camera (it did make it back from vacation, but we have no idea where it is now), so we have no pictures to show you of Charlotte's new lower crib nor of Julia's new bed. Once we locate the camera, we'll share.
Finally, Charlotte's six-month and Julia's 2 1/2 year checkups are Friday; we'll let you know how they go. Best wishes to everyone for a Happy New Year.
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