Monday, February 23, 2009

Eight Months Old!

We're not sure where the time has gone, but Charlotte has mysteriously become eight months old as of today. She had her buddy Tyler over for a visit and the babies had a lot of fun 'talking' to each other while Julia read books with Liza, Tyler's mom.

Charlotte was born with a spike of hair that continues to outgrow the rest of her coif...not to worry, this ponytail is a one time photo op!

Julia has been keeping warm in the freezing winter (infamous 'Cheese!' face still going strong).

The girls had the chance to meet cousin Caleb last weekend at his bris. It was a lovely ceremony with great company (and food!) but YEE-OUCH! God bless Caleb, indeed.

A belated heartfelt-wish:

Monday, February 9, 2009

A new star

Julia and Charlotte's first cousin, Caleb Cooper Salmon, was born last Friday morning at 3:41. Though the girls have not yet met him, Aaron and Kara did get to see him and snap this picture. Caleb and his parents are healthy and happy. They went home on Sunday.

Charlotte continues to be extremely active. She has grown her two front teeth (which she displays prominently when she smiles) and she is both crawling and pulling herself up to standing (see the video at the end). She has even begun cruising a bit. She also "talks" to us: she mimics us (Aaron, Kara or Julia) anytime we either razz with our tongue out or scrunch up our face and sniff in and out quickly. We'll try to get a video of it for you - it is very cute. In contrast to her minimal weight gain as mentioned in our last post, Charlotte continues to eat ravenously. She has two full bowls of food at each meal and eats Cheerios by the dozen. In fact, last night, she got ahold of the Cheerios bag and spilled out a bunch as shown. Within ten minutes, she had eaten every one of these (except the four or five mushy ones that fell out of her mouth and stuck to her pants). Incredible!

We finally had a thaw this weekend. We celebrated with a hike. Charlotte enjoyed her first backpack ride and Julia played "Queen of the Mountain" on various rocks with Mom. We finished up with fries and ketchup from Friendly's - a good day.