We've just returned from a week of family reunions in Niantic (the Varjian reunion 2009) and Chautauqua (with Great Grandma & Grandpa Hudson and Aunt Val)
Here are our experiences in pictures and video:

Julia and Charlotte with cousin Michaela

Grand-Nana with her greats (from l to r): second cousin Zach , Julia, Charlotte, cousin Michaela, and second cousin Gabrielle. Though the girls' godmother Peggy was there, somehow we got no photos of the girls with her. Next time...

We should send this one to the Niantic Tourism Office:
Chautauqua, Julia and Charlotte got to meet some of the Sesame Street characters. Here is Julia introducing Monkey to Bert and Ernie.

We also celebrated the Fourth with a parade, a band concert, flares and fireworks around the lake, and festive attire. Here are the girls with Great Grandma and Great Grandpa, followed by Julia worn out after a long day and Charlotte enjoying her picnic at the concert.

Throughout the vacation, Julia and Charlotte had their first ever "slumber parties," sleeping in the same room. Though that went well, we are happily keeping the girls in seperate rooms at home. Julia also spent every night in an adult-sized bed. So, when we returned today, Julia upgraded to a twin bed from her toddler bed. Here she is right before the lights went out tonight.
Finally, two belated images. First, Charlotte walks all the time now, but here is one of our first Charlotte walking videos: (it is better described as a classic one-year old video, but it does contain some walking)
Finally, at her first birthday party, Charlotte was joined by no less than five younger friends (from l to r): cousin Michaela (3 months), Will (6 months), Tyler (10 months), Charlotte (1 year), Lindsay (3 months), and cousin Caleb (4 months). Still not sure how they are all there, looking at the camera with no adults in the picture and no tears...