Sunday, June 29, 2008

Tummy time and table setting

We started tummy time this morning after Charlotte's umbilical cord fell off. As you can see, she took to it quite nicely. In fact, we think that she prefers sleeping on her tummy to her back (a no-no of course) - she ends up sleeping on our chests or catching a few z's in positions like this whenever she can. Once she woke up, she was quite active and turned her head from side to side a few times. She also scooted herself across the mat with her legs, crying and straining the whole time.

While Charlotte has been experiencing daily milestones and requiring a lot of attention, Julia has been helping out in new ways. Tonight, she set the entire table by herself. Everything you see here she placed on the table. After seeing the configuration of the items, Dad tried to teach her the concept of perimeter. Julia just wanted to eat some blueberries

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