We're back home from vacation. The girls had a lot of fun, had some new experiences and met new friends.

Charlotte has continued to grow and develop (and eat.) She has been enjoying tummy time: she has started lifting her head up off the blanket to look up. She has also started to smile - this is the best picture we have of it, though her smile is usually much larger than this. It is exciting to see her interact with us. Best of all, though, was this morning, when she cooed and smiled at Julia for a few minutes while Julia stood over her saying hello.
Some highlights from vacation:

Julia got her first baseball hat, ate her first hot dog and sat through her first rain delay -all at her first baseball game.

We had visits from some friends. Marc Chalufour came to visit twice, which was fun for everyone. This weekend, he brought two nectarines. Julia ate both in succession at dinner tonight. She then proceeded to alternate between asking when Marc would visit next and for more nectarines. As we mentioned in our last post, the LeBlanc family also come to the beach. The girls are seen here with Dad and Lee searching for crabs in the rocks. We found a lot.

We took a visit to the Mystic Aquarium. Julia got more involved in the action this year- she touched a starfish and fed a bird in addition to looking at all sorts of marine life. Next year, she might try to touch a sting ray - they were a little too much this year. As you can see, the bird was just about at her limit.

We also had a lot of outdoor fun. Julia helped Nana, Mom and Dad plant Pop-Pop's birthday present. Before she got to work, she had to have work gloves and a rake like Nana. We also went blueberry picking - and eating. Julia filled the whole pail. None remain.

Most of all, though, we enjoyed hanging out on the porch, swimming in the ocean (but only at the "new" beach, which seems more like a lake in its calmness), and enjoying quality time with family and friends (like at church as in this picture)

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